American Korean Friendship Society recognize Americans of Korean heritage for their volunteer works and efforts for Korean American community's advancement with Lifetime Achievement Award each year. The recognition is to appreciate their selfless contributions and encourage other members of the community to also volunteer for the community.

By American Korean Friendship Society December 5, 2024
Abraham Kim, Ph.D., is the Executive Director at the Council of Korean Americans (CKA). He comes to CKA with 20 years of experience in foreign policy analyses, leadership development and innovation consulting. Previously, Dr. Kim served as Executive Director at the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center located on the campus of the University of Montana, where he oversaw 50 staff, faculty and affiliates. During Dr. Kim’s tenure, the Center became one of the foremost U.S.-Asia policy and leadership development institutes in the Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies region.Prior to the Mansfield Center, Dr. Kim also served as the Vice President and Interim President of the Korea Economic Institute of America (KEI) in Washington, D.C. In addition, he also functioned as the research manager for government services and principal Asia analyst at the global political risk consulting firm, Eurasia Group. He was a project manager and strategic planner at the Science Application International Corporation (SAIC) and a national security analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C. Finally, Dr. Kim was a founding board member of CKA (2011-2013) and served as an adviser/instructor for NetKAL. Dr. Kim is a graduate of Boston University and Harvard University. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University.
By American Korean Friendship Society March 24, 2024
American Korean Friendship Society recognize Americans of Korean heritage for their volunteer works and efforts for Korean American community's advancement with Lifetime Achievement Award each year. The recognition is to appreciate their selfless contributions and encourage other members of the community to also volunteer for the community. AKFS Board unanimously honors Dr. Edward Chang (장태환), professor, the University of California at Riverside for 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award. AKFS recognize Dr. Chang's remarkable contributions and voicing tirelessly for the Korean American community in the past nearly three decades. The Award comes with $5,000 prize from Good Neighboring Foundation which to contribute to a nonprofit organization of the Awardee's choice. Dr. Chang is Professor of Ethnic Studies and founding Director of the Young Oak Kim Center for Korean American Studies at the University of California at Riverside. He earned his B.A. (1982) in Sociology and Ph.D. (1990) in Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley and M.A. (1984) in Asian American Studies at UCLA. Dr. Chang is author of eight books, seven edited volumes, and numerous articles. Professor Chang has studied and been a voice of the Korean community for more than 25 years. He is a leading expert on the Los Angeles Riots, race relations between Korean and African American communities, and Korean Americans. Professor Chang lectured on the topics of Korean-African American Relations and the Los Angeles civil unrest and its impact on the Korean American community at many universities around the country.
By American Korean Friendship Society January 19, 2023
Mr. Baik Kyu Kim The President of the Korean American Grocer’s Association, former President of the Korean American Association of Greater Atlanta, and successfully led the fundraising campaign to purchase and build the country’s largest Korean American Community Center.
By American Korean Friendship Society January 25, 2019
Sandy Springs, Jan 25, 2019 — The Korean American Friendship Society host its annual New American Hero Awards Gala at the Westin Perimeter North Atlanta Hotel. Over 200 guests including community, business, and legislative leaders attended the gala. The Society presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to Jay K. Eun, a long-time AKFS Board member of […]
By American Korean Friendship Society December 3, 2017
Han Choi Han Choi, Lifetime Achievement Award: The late Han Choi, partner at Ballard Spahr, is being recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his leadership and passion for community services over two decades. Han assisted the State of Georgia by helping Korean companies to invest in Georgia. Han’s volunteer works include the College Football […]

AKFS Lifetime Achievement Award Laureates

The late Han Choi:

 An enthusiastic leader for the community services over two decades. Han assisted State of Georgia by Korean companies to invest in Georgia, and still out for hunt. Han’s volunteer works includes College Football Hall of Fame, Atlanta International Women's House, Georgia Center for Nonprofits, and Decatur Education Foundation.

Jay K. Eun:

Mr. Eun is a respected Korean American leader in Georgia. He served local Korean American community as President of the Korean American Association of Greater Atlanta for two terms and as board member and executive committee member and led the Global Business Council of Gwinnett County Chamber of Commerce. Jay Eun has served the board of American Korean Friendship Society since 2000.

Baik Kyu Kim:

Mr. Kim has served Atlanta’s Korean American community as a volunteer and an effective leader. He is chair of the Korean Grocers Association, which he has led for the last 30-plus years.

Dr. Edward Chang:

Professor, the University of California at Riverside. AKFS recognize Dr. Chang's remarkable contributions and voicing tirelessly for the Korean American community in the past three decades.

역대 평생 업적상 수상자 명단


고 최한 변호사는 한인으로는 최초로 미국의 최대 볍률그룹의 파트너로 활약을 해 아틀랜타, 미국 각 대도시, 그리고 한국 법률계에서 많은 주목을 받은 일리트 변호사입니다. 또한 이웃과 사회의 봉사자로서 애틀랜타 독신 여성 보호소와 디케이터 교육센터에서 장기간 봉사를 하면서 한인들의 위상을 높였습니다.


은종국 회장은 근 30년간 애틀랜타 한인사회에 솔선수범하는 지도력을 발휘 하며 한인사회의 실질적인 발전에 기록적인 기여를 하였습니다. 4년간 한인회장을 역임 하면서 한인사회 발전에 각별한 노력을 기우렸습니다. 또한, 귀넽 카운티 상공회의소 이사와 수석 이사를 역임 하면서 귀넽 카운티 주류 사회에 한인 상공인들의 입장을 크게 부각 시켰습니다.

김백규 (Baik-Kyu Kim):

조지아한인식품협회 회장으로 애틀랜타한인회장과 애틀랜타한인회관 건립위원장을 역임했습니다. 한인사회에 대한 봉사와 기부에 전력을 다했고 지난 2013년 화재로 전소돼 소실된 애틀랜태한인회관을 다시 건립하는 일에 책임을 맡았었습니다.

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