The American Korean Friendship Society, Inc. (AKFS) is a national 501c(3) non-profit (81-1408283) civic organization founded in 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia. The Society is to celebrate and strengthen the unique relationship between the peoples of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America.

The relationship between the United States and Republic of Korea is a model for strengthening US. foreign policy. The United States supported South Korea in repelling an invasion from a military takeover by North Korea. Then Republic of Korea now stands proudly as a top-ten world economy and remains one of the United States’ closest allies.

By American Korean Friendship Society August 12, 2024
Georgia Korean War veterans remembered at state capitol Staff Writer: Athens Banner-Herald
By American Korean Friendship Society August 12, 2024
Korean War memorial dedicated for Hall veterans By Charles Phelps POSTED: October 27, 2012 11:59 p.m.
By American Korean Friendship Society July 31, 2024
총 10개 기관이 화환 전해 “한미 동맹 더욱 강화돼야” 자유민주주의를 토대로 한·미 양국의 동맹 강화를 추진하고 있는 한미우호협회(회장 박선근)가 2024 한국전(6·25) 정전협정 체결 71주년 헌화식을 26일 둘루스 소재 1818 클럽에서 진행했다. 마이클 박 한미우호협회 디렉터의 사회로 진행된 이날 행사에는 100여명이 참석했다. 한인 인사들 중에서는 박선근 회장을 비롯해 김석우 주애틀랜타대한민국 부총영사, 홍승원 미동남부한인회연합회장 등이 참석해 개회사 및 격려사를 전했다. 이외에도 래리 앨리스 전(前) 주한미군 제2보병사단 부사단장, 드웨인 윌슨 조지아주 육군 방위군 부관참모, 케빈 밀러 주한미군전우회(KDVA) 조지아 지회장, 마이클 레트 조지아 주상원의원 등이 환영사를 전했으며, 크리스 카 조지아주 법무장관은 기조연설자로 참여했다. 행사가 시작되기 전에는 대한민국 정부, 한국전 참전용사회(KWVA) 애틀랜타 챕터 및 게인즈빌 챕터, 조지아주(주상원, 주 법무장관, 부관 참모), 미동남부한인회연합회, 현대자동차, 미국위문협회(USO), 주한미군전우회, 애틀랜타 한인회 명의로 증정된 화환을 각 기관의 대표자들이 전달했다. 작년 행사까지는 참석했으나 노환으로 별세해 이날 행사에는 함께하지 못한 진 메릴 듀랜스 한국전 참전용사에 대한 묵념의 시간을 가진 박선근 회장은 개회사를 통해 “한국전 당시 8살이었던 저는 절단된 수많은 시체들이 굴러다니던 참혹한 모습을 기억한다”고 전하며 울먹였다. 또 “한국의 자유를 위해 싸워준 미군 참전용사들에게 감사함을 표하기 위해 ‘땡큐 아메리카! (THANK YOU AMERICA!)’ 문구가 적힌 전광판 광고를 전국 주요 도시에 설치했다”며 “한미우호협회의 뜻에 동참해 후원해준 현대자동차에게도 감사하다”고 말했다. 기조연설을 전한 카 조지아주 법무장관은 “한미 양국은 (국가를 위해) 희생하고 피 흘린 수많은 개인들이 있었기에 세워지고 강력해질 수 있었다”며 “한미 동맹은 한-조지아주의 긴밀한 경제 협력 등을 통해 새로운 길을 개척했다”고 전했다. 이에 미군 한국전 참전용사들을 대표해 답사를 전한 노먼 보드 KWVA 애틀랜타 지회장과 데럴 파이팅 KWVA 게인즈빌 지회장은 “한미 관계가 앞으로도 발전하기를 바란다”며 “지금까지 잊지 않고 기억해줘서 고맙다”고 말했다. 한편 본 행사 직후 모든 참석자들은 한국전쟁 당시 행방불명자(MIA)들과 전쟁 포로(POW)들을 기리고 기억하는 행사를 가졌다. 한국전쟁은 김일성의 북한 공산군이 선전포고 없이 기습 남침해 발발한 전쟁이다. 당시 김일성은 민병대를 위시한 중공군(당시 명칭 중국인민지원군)과 소련의 직간접적 도움을 받아 평화를 파괴하는 불법 침략 행위를 자행하며 수많은 행방불명자들과 전쟁 포로들을 만들었다. reference:
By American Korean Friendship Society July 31, 2024
한미우호협회 26일 헌화 및 감사오찬 "참전용사 희생 덕에 오늘 한국 이뤄"
By American Korean Friendship Society July 31, 2024
By American Korean Friendship Society July 31, 2024
The United States and the Republic of Korea are allies with a long history of shared sacrifice. In a call to defend freedom and democracy abroad, 1.8 million Americans joined the fight to protect our Korean Peninsula allies from the communist regimes in North Korea and The People’s Republic of China. In 1953, after 3 years of violent combat and millions of casualties, an armistice was signed by representatives of the United States, The People’s Republic of China, and North Korea. The armistice made possible the exchange of prisoners of war as well as an opportunity to negotiate a peaceful settlement. Almost 70 years later, that settlement still has not been reached, and the Korean Peninsula remains divided along the 38th parallel. Yet, the Republic of Korea has grown into a thriving, vibrant country, and the enduring relationship between our two nations has flourished through decades of peace. Today, we take this opportunity to honor, remember, and pay tribute to the Korean War veterans who fought to defend those universal values and freedoms that the people of South Korea enjoy today. American service members, along with our United Nations counterparts, fought through some of the most unforgiving terrain and weather conditions on the Korean Peninsula. Through searing summer heat, bitter winter cold, and torrential rains, our forces fought with relentless courage, resilience, and perseverance. In the mountains, valleys, and rice paddies, the battles fought and lives lost in Inchon, the Chosin Reservoir, Heartbreak Ridge, and the Pusan Perimeter, we remember their valor. Earlier this year, I had the great privilege of awarding the Medal of Honor to Colonel Ralph Puckett, Jr., USA (Ret.), a legend in the Army Ranger community, for his extraordinary selflessness and heroism during the Korean War in the Battle of Hill 205. His story, and those of all our veterans of the Korean War, remind every American the high price of freedom. We shall never forget the service members who made the ultimate sacrifice. On the National Mall at the Korean War Memorial, a Wall of Remembrance will be established to further honor and venerate the more than 36,000 American lives lost during the war, along with more than 7,000 Korean Augmentation to the United States Army soldiers who were killed in action. As a grateful Nation, we owe it to the families of the fallen to memorialize, commemorate, and pay tribute to the heroes who have given their lives for our Nation — and to uphold and honor the democratic values for which they fought. We must also always recognize the patriotism and service of our veterans and their families and caregivers, and uphold our sacred obligation to provide the support they need when they come home. Our commitment to protecting peace on the Korean Peninsula has endured and grown in the ensuing decades. We are immensely proud of our historic friendship and the trust we share with the Republic of Korea. The service and sacrifices of both our nations have left an indelible determination to sustain peace and promote regional stability. Training side-by-side with the Korean military, our Armed Forces abroad help keep the watch while proudly upholding the legacy of those serving before them. Our partnership remains crucial to maintaining peace and stability today, and to expanding economic growth in a critical region of the world. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 27, 2021, as National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. I call upon all Americans to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities that honor and give thanks to our distinguished Korean War Veterans. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-sixth. JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. reference :
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